Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Fredrick's Charge ala Picket

Rich Wallace hosted another Carnage and Glory II computer aided wargame at his house last weekend August 5, 2018.Rich set the game up outside under a tent.  The game is a what if Frederick attacked the Austrians over the same ground as Picket's Charge (ACW).  Mark Mclaughlin and I (Prussians)  took on Leo Walsh and Rich (the Austrians). The Prussian batteries were fixed on the heights except for the galloper guns. Mark commanded the Prussian right and center divisions and I took the left flank and the reserves.  We agreed that the center and right would shift to the right and I would pin the left and center and bring the reserves (grenadiers) up to support both groups - mostly Mark.

Guns on the heights under Fredrick's watchful eye

Mark's Command
The Austrian right flank inches forward off the hill
The Austrian Center
The Austrian right flank
The Austrian left presented a tempting target and I moved forward to take advantage of it.
Rich also advanced a unit (bait) in the center.  Little did we know that the Austrian Grenadiers could not move until the first melee. Mark also prepared to take the bait.
My units await supports before taking on the Austrian left.
Advancing over walls and hedges disorders units.  Our strategy was to rest behind the hedge rows and recover some fatigue before taking cold steel to Austrians.
A furious firefight broke out at the hedge line on the Prussian right resulting in all three units pictured being hurled back by the Prussians.
The Austrian fire was effective as well.  The white halt marker the result of an initial volley.  Thousands became casualties as the troops stood toe to toe and exchanged fire.  Superior Prussian training won out and the Austrians recoiled from the hill as their army broke under the unending Prussian pressure.


The Prussians move forward.

The exposed Austrian regiment is being assaulted by two Prussian units. 
What a great game.   Thanks again to Rich for hosting.  Excellent figures, fabulous terrain and great company made for a special event. 

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